10 Mar 2010


Tomorrow's the date.Gosh..I hope I can sleep tonight.I feel like asking my parents "Can I have TIGER tonight before I sleep?" LOL.Hopefully I won't need to wet my face due to sadness tomorrow :-S

Happy Birthday to JEAN TAN
happy sweet sixteen (:

5 Mar 2010


Got a message today after dinner and it says SPM result's coming out on 11th March 2010! Which is next Thursday! 
Quickly tune on to news channel and watched the news on television but there's nothing..
And thus I thought it's a wrong information again.
While facebook-ing, I saw this Star online news thing and thus I clicked and saw the news on The Star Online!
Oh my..and so I can say that the news was true?
My jaw dropped and heart fell..It's just a week more..3 days after my driving test.
Will I disappoint those that have high hopes in me? Will I fail to get a rather good results? Will I pass my driving test?? Will I..will I..will I?????
This is driving me insane!Gahhhhh~

-signing off-

4 Mar 2010

'The Month' has finally invaded earth!

In a blink of the eyes, it's already March-the third month of 2010..
Time flies, don't you agree?
Well..This is a tension and decision making month for most of us (SPM '09 candidates)
We have to decide where to go, what we want, what is the right path, etc etc etc..
Just because it's 'The Month'..where our SPM results will be announced
And thus here comes those babblings and mumblings of parents and relatives..
It's such a crazy time where everyone is so panic and all tensed up.
And our "beloved" snail government wasn't gonna announce the date of releasing our results.Gahh!
 This is the time where emotions arrive after a long long break.
And in my situation, my parents aren't telling me how many A's I must get and all..But I do know that they have hopes.I do not want to destroy their hopes by getting a shyty results but I do not put any high hopes in myself too seriously.I have no idea what kind of results am I expecting.I have no faith in myself at all!
I felt bad for not doing my best at this although I know this is it.
Adding to the tense, I'm having my driving test on this coming Monday, which is the on 8th.Should I bribe for driving??It takes another RM150! and I don't wanna burden my dad more =|
Oh my gosh..I have no clue what am I gonna do in this near future.Don't even think about the rest yet.Sigh

Staring aimlessly at a blank future =/

I think I'm gonna reads the book till asleep again tonight :O

-signing off-